Welcome to LaunchDarkly Ansible Collection’s documentation!¶
- launchdarkly_custom_role – Manage LaunchDarkly Custom Roles
- launchdarkly_environment – Create Launchdarkly Project specific Environment
- launchdarkly_feature_flag – Interact with projects, flags of LaunchDarkly
- launchdarkly_feature_flag_environment – Create Environment specific flag targeting
- launchdarkly_feature_flag_info – Return a list of Feature Flags
- launchdarkly_feature_flag_sync – Sync LaunchDarkly Feature Flags across Environments
- launchdarkly_feature_flag_validator – Validate Flags against Conftest OPA Policies written in Rego
- launchdarkly_project – Create Project
- launchdarkly_project_copy – Copy source LaunchDarkly Project in or between accounts.
- launchdarkly_project_info – Return a Project or List of Projects
- launchdarkly_test_generator – Create a JSON file for testing
- launchdarkly_user_segment – Manage User Segments
- launchdarkly_user_segment_sync – Sync LaunchDarkly User Segments across Environments
- launchdarkly_variation_info – Return value from Feature Flag Evaluation
- launchdarkly_webhook – Manage LaunchDarkly Webhooks